We provide professional pressure washing services in Jacksonville, FL while keeping our customers' property and comfort in mind. Before beginning any project, we inspect the surface to determine the appropriate amount of pressure to ensure a thorough clean without causing damage. Our team uses cutting-edge techniques and equipment to achieve outstanding results. We believe in using safe, environmentally friendly chemicals during the cleaning process.
Our services are available for both residential and commercial properties, and they are tailored to the specific needs of each client. We are committed to providing the best pressure washing services, and our expert team has years of experience producing outstanding results.
Jax Pressure Washing Pros places a premium on customer satisfaction. From start to finish, we work with our clients to understand their needs and expectations, and we provide friendly, professional, and dependable service. Call us today to schedule a consultation and experience the Jax Pressure Washing Pros difference!
Is there mold or algae on your home's siding? Our process is both safe and effective for removing contaminants, and it will leave your home looking brand new.
Roof Cleaning
A dirty roof can cause costly repairs. Properly cleaning your roof will not only make your house look better, but it can extend the lifespan of your roof and protect your property.
Gutter Cleaning
Gutters are essential for protecting your home from water damage, but they can cause serious problems if they become clogged with leaves, twigs, and other debris.
Patio Cleaning
Don't throw another backyard party on a filthy patio. Our pressure washing service will clean patios and walkways of mildew, grime, algae, and dirt.
Fence Cleaning
You can keep your neighbors happy and your home looking nice by using our fence cleaning service. We will pressure wash your fence without harming your landscaping or property.
Driveway Cleaning
We can restore your driveway and increase curb appeal by removing stubborn oil stains, rust stains, and dirt without the use of harmful chemicals.
Deck Cleaning
Don't replace your deck or attempt to stain a dirty deck. Pressure washing removes dirt and even dangerous bacteria from decks and surfaces in a safe manner.
Window Cleaning
Don't let pollen, dirt, rain, or insects cloud your vision. Allow our professionals to clean your windows safely and carefully for a beautiful, streak-free finish.
Why Choose Jax Pressure Washing Pros? Jacksonville's Most-Trusted Power Washers
At Jax Pressure Washing Pros, we are passionate about providing the best pressure washing services in Jacksonville, FL. Our team of experts has years of experience, and we are committed to delivering outstanding results. We are dedicated to providing a safe and comfortable environment for our customers, and we believe that our attention to detail and commitment to quality set us apart from the rest.
Free Estimates & Affordable Prices You’ll find our prices very competitive, and there is never a charge to provide an estimate.
Fully Licensed & Insured We believe in doing business “by the book” and running a legitimate operation.
Clean & Meticulous Workmanship We take no shortcuts when it comes to quality.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee One of our goals is to floor you with our top-notch service.
Residential & Commercial Pressure Cleaning for Your Home or Business
Residential Pressure Washing
One of the quickest and easiest ways to increase the value of your home and improve curb appeal is to pressure wash it. Mold, dirt, algae, rust, and debris are removed from the exterior of your home and surface areas, whether they are brick, stone, concrete, or siding. Regular pressure washing cleanings can even protect your home and property by preventing the growth of mold, mildew, and other contaminants that can cause structural damage. Inquire about our regular cleaning programs to keep your home looking its best while extending the life of siding, decks, paint, patios, driveways, and even your roof. Our team is highly trained and uses high-quality cleaning equipment and solvents to clean your home without causing any damage to it.
Commercial Pressure Washing
Do you own a store or a company? Customers SEE before they buy and frequently form opinions about your company before they even enter. If the outside of your business or storefront is dirty, you may be sending the wrong message to customers and turning them away without even realizing it. Our pressure washing and exterior cleaning service will keep your business or commercial property looking its best and giving clients, guests, and customers the best first impression possible. We can clean your business's exterior from top to bottom, including parking lots, facades, windows, awnings, signs, and more. Running a business is difficult enough; keeping it clean doesn't have to be. Contact us to set up a regular cleaning program to keep your business looking nice all year.
“Jax Pressure Washing Pros is great. They did a great job power washing our property. Our house looks brand new!”
- Mitch D.
“They were very thorough and meticulous with their work. Very affordable too. I highly recommend Jax Pressure Washing Pros to anyone looking for a pressure washing company in the Jacksonville area."
- Janice R.
“Jax Pressure Washing Pros was professional, efficient and very competitively priced. I would definitely use them again and I highly recommend their services.”